Thursday, 16 February 2012

Target Audience research Questionnaire


In order to gain an insight into my target audience I carried out a questionnaire to discover what needs and wants they would have from a music magazine, what kinds of artists they would be interested in featuring and what current forms of media they use to keep up to date with what is new in music, in addition to this I researched the average cost the target audience would be willing to buy Harmony magazine for.


What gender are you?

Male       Female

All participants who answered the questionnaire were Female as they are the target audiene of Harmony.

What is your favourite genre of music? (Please tick more than one box if necessary)

 Pop          Rock        R&B      Hip-Hop     Indie - The most popular genre of music was Pop followed by Indie, R&B and Rock.

3. Please list some of your favourite music artists in the box provided below.

Here is a list of all the artists that were included by respondents:

Adele, Beyonce, Birdy, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, Lady Gaga, Little Mix, NDubz, Rhianna, The Saturdays, Justin Biber, Rizzle Kicks, Katy Perry, Drake, Jessie J, Bruno Mars, Emeli Sande, The Wanted, Tinie Tempah, Nicki Minaj, Devlin, Proffessor Green and The Kooks

4. Please look at this list of features we would like to use in our new music magazine and write the numbers of the features you would be interested in seeing in the box provided below.

1.       A front covers featuring a reader of the music magazine who would like to make it into the music industry.

2.       Top chart of U.K artists

3.       Gig and Album reviews

4.       Advice on how to get into the music business

5.       World exclusive interviews with big acts

6.       Style advice and features including style steals of celebrities

7.       Other entertainment sections

 The most popular feature choosen by respondents were 2 and 5 followed by 3 6 1 and finally 1.

 5. What forms of music channels, websites or magazines, do you use to see the latest music?

Respondents replied: MTV, 4 Music, youtube, smash hits, kiss, viva


     6. What would you like to see in a music magazine?

Here is a qoute from a repsondant that sums up what the target audience want from a music magazine

'A magazine that tells me about all the latest music and gigs giving me interviews from the artists that inspire me and I want to know more about, above all a magazine that writes with passion and shares the same love for music that I have"

7.       What price would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? (Please circle your choice)/

·        £1.50 , £2.00, £2.65, £3.20, £4.80, £5.00 The price respondants were willing to pay was £2.65 on average

9.       Why do you listen to music and what does it mean to you?

a qoute from a respondant says " Music is like a drug i'm addicted to it, I can listen to a song and it can change my mood in an instant, without my ipod I would be lost"

From my questionnaire I have learnt the types of artists and genres of music my target audience are interested in, this has helped me in my reserach and planning as I can gain ideas and inspiration from the style of these artists when producing my magazine and when styling my character artist I will feature in my magazine, taking fashion ideas from the female artists the target audience admire such as Rhianna, Jessie J, and Little Mix. I have also discovered the types of features that are most popular with target audience so I can plan to include these within Harmony. Furthermore I looked at the sources that the audience gain music information from, after discovering theses I have researched the channels and their content and the style in which they present their content including their mode of address, from this I looked at ways I could give the target audience the features and content they currently do  not get from these resources in order to compete. I also found what the target audience wanted to feature within Harmony. I found the average price the audinece would be willing to pay, moreover I found the purpose of music to the audience I hope to reflect this within my magazine.

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